
Happy Birthday SJP

Today is SJP's birthday.  How old is she?  48. Well- according to wiki anyway.  Sarah Jessica Parker continues to be on the my idol list.  I want to be Carrie Bradshaw- except perhaps a little less self centred-  don't we all.

The way Carrie (or SJP) dresses makes me want to run to the next vintage shop, find a tutu and pair it with my favourite old t-shirt knotted at the waist and borrow my mum's eighties pointed courts, just in the faint hope of emulating that Sex in the City look.  The reality is that without SJPs gorgeous- albeit tiny- figure, decent weather, the New York setting and that American ballsy confidence, one generally ends up looking like they got dragged through the fancy dress shop backwards.  Hey ho, we can only try.  Here are a few of my favourite SJP snaps.